Health Care Reform Program
MEDICARE & INSURANCE REFORMIt has become policy for Medicare, and the insurance companies, to pay for treatments, diagnostics, and medicines that will cause harm over time; but, they refuse to acknowledge or pay for corrective treatments that correct these problems.
It is also apparent that the CDC and Rare Diseases Organization established safe parameters for toxic levels and safe levels of heavy metals and biological toxins in food, cosmetics, and public water systems have been largely ignored by the FDA and pharmaceutical companies leaving the consuming public exposed to levels of toxins that cause physical conditions from those of radiation sickness to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. This practice and policy has to be stopped! We support and work on behalf of all Medically Focused PACS that help further our cause in both the United states House and Senate along with rules and policies specific to the FDA and AMA. - Petition for legislation to force insurance companies to continue providing OLD drugs with now expired patents, to replace many of the new drugs that are synthetic and dangerous.
- Petition for legislation that requires Insurance and Medicare coverage with recommendation that all patients receiving anesthetics, chemo-therapy and/or radiation therapies be given IV Chelation therapy as a de-toxification therapy against toxins prescribed in these aforementioned therapies.
We are educating people to change these attitudes and you can help. .