Introduction Unlike other charitable foundations, The Palatine Foundation, N.A. is a private independent corporate charitable foundation that, in addition to providing customary philanthropic and fiduciary services for participating Donors, allows for select members to join, wherein members can use their “core” funds, individually or together in syndication with The Palatines or with other Donors, to generate “discretionary” funds to use on their charities; humanitarian projects; and development projects. You Can Help!Donors can choose from several different ways to Give Help that is greatly needed and truly appreciated! You Have Options for GivingPotential Donors can select from several charitable campaigns for sympathetic issues each Donor can identify with. Several of our Keystone Programs address important concerns that affect all people across North America. You Have Options for ParticipatingDonors can opt to make their donations work more than once for them and their favorite charities by choosing one of our unique Gifting Levels (see Donor Options). We can help you reach your goals!We accomplish your donation goals using financial management talent that multiplies your donation dollar up to three fold depending on your donation level! Imagine, your favorite charity benefitting from your single donation for a period of multiple donations for up to three years! We even will distribute your donation proceeds among multiple charities or worthy entities of your choice.