Monetize BGs, Lcs, SBLCs, CMOs, CMBS, other registered bonds on EuroClear
The Palatine Foundation offers private banking sources willing to lend against cash-backed instruments such as Bgs, LCs, SBLCs, and other registered bonds on euroclear. Non-cash-backed instruments such as CMBSs, CMOs, and LCs are also welcome for monetization loans to enable clients to free some of their equity cash for other needed business.
We can offer to monetize or arrrange to purchase your:
BGs LCs SBLCs MTNs REITs Stock portfolios Send us your paper instruments and we’ll see what can be done towards monetizing or leveraging them into a financial transaction generating profits over the term of a contract. This is similar to the service we offer for idle assets. TPF provides this service as a means to expand our close Donor Base and spread some of the benefits of private banking services enjoyed by TPF. Items on EuroClear are preferred but assets on other systems can be considered and monetized.
Procedures for Consideration Clients should make a proper SEC compliant submission package consisting of: - KYC package
- Client Information Sheet
- Copy of the instrument
- List of the consultants to be registered with the transaction
TPF will review your information for completeness and send it to the Lender/Monetizer for immediate consideration. You will be contacted directly by the lender with discussion of the details of the proposed tranaction. Final Agreements will follow accordingly.
E-mail your questions, completed information, or request details to: The Palatine Foundation is acting only as a Promoter of any contemplated transaction as allowed by Securities and Exchange Commission law. All matters in a registered securities transaction are handled only by registered SEC brokers and brokerage firms. |