Please consider the following financial transactions now under The Palatine Foundation, NA, Inc. Management.
(All Private Transactions for private clients)
G-20/FED Authorized Historic Golden Asset Programs 2022 1. DOD/UST Historic Asset One-time-payment Program – STATUS – First groups are waiting for release of funds, scheduled authentication at TTM, and contracts. Scheduled to settle with authentication at TTM and a one-time payment at quoted rates.
2. G-20/IMF/FED Historic Asset Private Placement Program – STATUS - The first round has just closed intake and release of funds is scheduled for first week of August. Scheduled authentications, contracts and settlements are to begin then. A second round will begin probably after September. Trading to begin at end of authentications and advances. Will also begin to accept currency boxes for the second round. Assets are blocked, monetized and paid out according to the terms.
3. G-20/IMF/FED Historic Asset Purchase/Redemption Program – STATUS - Currently open for intake only via direct and authorized agents. Accepting box assets only under terms below. Prices set by G-20 and paid over time up to 25 years (or more). 4. Bank Consortium Historic Asset Purchase/Redemption Program – STATUS – Currently open for specific menu of assets… currently accepting FRN/FRB at $1T with structured payment options. Also accepting all other golden assets in boxes only at this time.
The Palatine Foundation offersplacement and profit or interest to clients who pledge their idle assets or non-performing assets to The Palatine Foundation. Assets may be Business Fixed type or personal assets that are fully owned and available with value to be used as a credit enhancement or balance sheet addition for the Foundation.
We will use your assets to generate income for you and TPF without risking your pledged assets.
We are currently accepting the following Assets for passive leveraged income - insurance is helpful Gemstones both cut and rough Artwork/Paintings need to be stored in a vault or bank Must have current and paid-up appraisal and Safe Keeping receipt All values considered into the billions.
Collections of various sorts and values - please ask about specific assets The higher the value the higher the profits paid for use of the asset for credit enhancement for a trader.
Please consider talking with us if you own any of these types of assets:
No further intake of V-Bonds or Brazilian LTNs for financial transactions as both central banks have restricted confirmations.
$340,000 cash for TPF Bank Draft trade entry.(Corporate client)
TPF provides this service as a means to expand our close Donor Base and spread some of the benefits of private banking services enjoyed by TPF. Procedures for Consideration Clients should make a proper asset submission consisting of: - Client Information Sheet
- Description and details of the asset with valuations and insurance info if available.
- Asset storage details/receipt as applies.
- List of the consultants to be registered with the transaction (if applicable)
TPF will review your information for completeness and processed for immediate consideration. You will be contacted directly by TPF with discussion of the details of the proposed tranaction. Final Agreements will follow accordingly.
E-mail your questions, completed information, or request details to: The Palatine Foundation is acting only as a Promoter of any contemplated transaction as allowed by Securities and Exchange Commission law. All matters in a registered securities transaction are handled only by registered SEC brokers and brokerage firms. |